Dental Fillings in Gardena, CA

When a patient has a decayed, damaged, or a cavity-infected tooth, a dental filling may be a great choice for restoring oral health and function. At Gardena Dental Group, our dentists provide modern, white dental fillings that can be matched to the shade of your natural teeth.

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Contact Gardena Dental Group today to reserve an oral exam or to learn more about our dental fillings in Gardena.

What is a Dental Filling?

For minor to moderate tooth damage, a dental filling is a typical restoration procedure. If your tooth has been weakened by decay (for instance, if it has a cavity), or has tiny chips or fractures, we may advise getting a filling. The dental filling is used to return your tooth to full health by giving the tooth its natural shape and function. Traditional silver-colored amalgam fillings and tooth-colored composite fillings are the two basic types of dental fillings available.

Do I Need a Dental Filling?

While it’s not always possible to diagnose tooth decay on your own, we can easily screen for cavities by visually examining your teeth and taking diagnostic digital X-rays. These images allow us to see inside and between your teeth, where cavities often develop first.

It’s important to note that not all cavities are painful or visible to the naked eye. But if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you might have an active cavity:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: If one tooth is noticeably more sensitive than others, or it’s hypersensitive to hot temperatures and sweet foods, you may have a cavity.
  • Toothache or Sharp Tooth Pain: Do you feel an obvious sharp or painful sensation when you bite down on your tooth? Be sure to let us know.
  • Broken or Deteriorating Tooth Enamel: Larger areas of tooth decay tend to cause the tooth to break apart with daily use. Avoid chewing on this tooth altogether until we can see you for an exam.
  • Old Dental Fillings: As dental fillings age, it’s fairly common for them to develop open margins where new bacteria or plaque can seep in between the filling and your tooth. You may feel a rough edge with your tongue.
  • A Hole in Your tooth: Cavities often collect food when you eat or may create a large enough opening that it’s visible to the naked eye.

By scheduling regular checkups with our Gardena dentist, we can intercept cavities while they’re smaller and more conservative to treat. Unfortunately, the longer you wait to treat active tooth decay, the greater the risk there is that it will evolve into an abscessed tooth or dental emergency.

Dentist checking patients dental fillings

If you have a cavity, it’s important to treat it as early as possible. Because tooth decay is a bacterial infection, it will only continue to expand deeper into the tooth and adjacent tooth structures until it’s removed by a dentist.

Types of Dental Fillings in Gardena, CA

The location and size of your cavity can influence the type of dental filling that you need. Gardena Dental Group offers several different types of fillings to choose from:

Composite white dental fillings

Composite (White) Fillings

These tooth-colored fillings are the least invasive type of restoration available. The white material bonds closely with your tooth enamel, minimizing how much tooth structure is altered during the restorative process. Because composite is available in a variety of shades, we can select a color that blends in with your natural tooth enamel.

Amalgam silver dental fillings

Amalgam (Silver) Fillings

Traditional amalgam fillings are best for scenarios involving large cavities or teeth that are difficult to keep dry during the treatment process. They are the least costly option for dental fillings.  However, their silver color can interfere with your smile.

Dental Inlays and onlays or    porcelain fillings

Indirect Porcelain Fillings

Lab-made fillings such as inlays and onlays provide added reinforcement for extremely compromised teeth. Sometimes referred to as “three-quarter crowns,” porcelain fillings are a more conservative alternative to traditional full-coverage crown options.

Getting a Dental Filling: What to Expect

It only takes one visit to our office to complete the filling procedure. Your tooth’s damaged area will be carefully removed by our dentist, who will then thoroughly clean the tooth to get rid of any remaining decay. The tooth is then filled with the chosen filling material and customized to fit your tooth’s contour. The filling is then cemented, and patients enjoy a long-lasting restoration.

Dental Filling Aftercare Instructions

Plan to brush and floss around all of your teeth, especially the ones with existing dental fillings. This will help prevent recurrent decay from developing around your new restorations. Also, be sure to plan a checkup with our Gardena dentist at least twice a year.

How Much Do Gardena Dental Fillings Cost?

The price of a dental filling will depend on the size of the restoration, the number of tooth surfaces involved, and the type of filling you’re getting (amalgam vs. composite.) On average, the typical dental filling costs between $150-$300. Most patients are also able to use their dental insurance benefits toward the cost of their procedure, reducing out-of-pocket expenses. Our Gardena dentist also offers flexible payment options to finance all or a portion of your dental filling treatment.

Quality Dental Fillings in Gardena, CA

If you’re looking for a friendly Gardena dental office offering high-quality dental services, look no further than Gardena Dental Group. Our team is committed to your comfort and health. Contact us today to schedule your next dental filling with us!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Fillings?

Most dental insurance plans cover at least a portion of your dental filling as long as you have not exhausted your benefits for the year.

How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

A well-maintained dental filling can last 10-20 years with good oral hygiene.

Does it Hurt to Get a Filling?

No. We use effective numbing medications so that you don’t feel any discomfort during your treatment. 

How Long is a Dental Filling Appointment?

Most dental fillings require 30-45 minutes to perform. Some appointments may be longer if we are placing more than one dental filling at a time.

What Will My Tooth Feel Like After My Treatment?

It’s normal for your tooth to feel a little different after getting a filling, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. Let us know if you experience any discomfort, and we will make adjustments to the filling to ensure a proper fit.  

Definition of common dental fillings terminology

Tooth decay (dental caries): Tooth decay is the breakdown of teeth due to acids produced by bacteria.

Tooth Enamel: Enamel is the thin outer covering of the tooth. This tough shell is the hardest tissue in the human body.

Tartar: Tartar is a hard yellowish substance that forms on your teeth and causes them to decay if it is not removed.

Cavities: A cavity is a hole in a tooth that develops from tooth decay.

Happy dental patient

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  • Highest Level of Dental Care
  • Friendly and Caring Staff
  • Affordable Financing Options
  • Personalized Dental Services

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  • CA (License 17465). View License Information
  • Insurance: We work with most insurance providers.
  • No Insurance? No problem call 310-366-7666 for more information.
  • Financing Options: We offer a wide range of dental financing options.
  • We serve patients from the following counties: Los Angeles County
  • We serve patients from the following cities: Gardena, Athens, Harbor Gateway, Torrance, Alondra Park, Hawthorne
  • Have Questions?  Please feel free to contact us at 310-366-7666

Helpful links: WebMD (Tooth Fillings) | ADA (Glossary of Dental Terms) 

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